1.This operation allows a large section of the front leg muscles strong, consumption of fat buttocks.
2.A large section of the underground line was suspended, and authorities had to take hundreds of people off the train.
3.Phoenix Tunnel as a large section of loess railway tunnel, the tunnel design and construction are of a more typical kind.
4.A tenured physics professor continued to teach another large section using the standard lecture format.
5.And in Lebanon, Sunni Muslims and a large section of the Christian community voted to keep the Shia out of power.
6.And she is still toying with the idea of having a large section of her gums cut out so that her mouth can be pushed back into her face.
7.All-night parties with music and dancing have become a way of life for a large section of young people.
8.He raises a piece of sandpaper and begins to press it hard against his face, scraping a large section of his cheek.
9.Also, in a very large section of the population, parents finally become dependent on their children.
10.position and size of hand hole and bolts upon the segment joint design of large-section river-crossing shield tunnels are also investigated.